Monday, February 6, 2017

6 February 2017

What a glorious weekend Elder Morley and I had.  In January 2016 just a couple of weeks after finishing the MTC, we were asked by our Elders Edlinger and then just new that day, Elder Fairbanks if we would meet this family Elder Edlinger and his former companion Elder McDonough had been teaching for the past several months.  The husband had been less active for several years and the wife was a non member, they have one son about 17 months old at the time.  They had taught her all the discussions and more but she just wasn't getting it so they asked us to meet them on the 13th January 2016 and start reading the Book of Mormon with her.  We met the family and loved them from the start.  Sister Kaylie Steggell and I had something in common, both beauticians, she is the manager of the beauty supply store I started going to since moving to Lehi.  Cole, her husband and their son Linkyn.

The next day, 14th January 2016, we started reading the Book of Mormon with them inviting Cole to join in, we started with the Introduction to the Book of Mormon then challenged them to read the three witnesses and the eight witnesses testimony which they did for the following meeting.  We would take turns reading so many verses and would ask her if she understood what we had read and she was say no so we would explain it to her.  After a couple of months she was understanding what we would read.

In mid summer we felt prompted to give both her and her husband the discussions again which we did and them and the scriptures all made sense to her.   We also felt impressed to give their son Linkyn the Stories from the Book of Mormon book to him for his parents to read to him; we we gave it to them Cole remembered his mom reading from it.  They read it together as a family each nigh as well as having their family prayers.  As the discussions continued Cole would remember what he had been taught in  his youth.

Towards the end of the year the bishop had started to meet with them especially with Cole to work with him so he could advance in the priesthood as he was a teacher.  Kaylie wanted him to baptize her but he had a ways to go before he could be ordained to the office of priest and when she knew it was time to be baptized she and Cole were ok about someone else doing it.

During the year we worked with their Ward Mission Leader who was the Steggell's neighbor and good friends, when he was released in the fall Brother Nielsen was called and became quick friends with them as well.  Because of their involvement, Kaylie asked the current ward mission leader Brother Nielsen to baptize her and the former leader Brother Gramse to confirm her.  The Elders Edlinger and McDonough were able to attend the baptism as well and they both offered the prayers.  Ray spoke on baptism and I told how we came into their lives.

We have grown to love this darling family, they have had their ups and downs but have seen and had miracles in their lives which they acknowledge God's hands in their lives.  The baptism was well attended and the spirit was so strong.  Her confirmation the next day in fast and testimony meeting was the same, she said as the brethren laid their hands on her head she felt like goose bumps going up there neck and body.

Now to continue to work with them and help them get to the temple next year.  We are so grateful to have had this opportunity to teach the Steggell's, to see how the gospel does change lives for the better if they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of Joseph Smith.  The gospel is wonderful.

We were unable to do much missionary work the past two weeks as I was with two teenage grandkids while their parents were in Hawaii, just being there to get them where they needed to go and have an adult with them which was a wonderful week except while there I came down with what I thought to be a cold then laryingitis then upper respiratory but as I returned home and my husband took me to the Dr's, it ended up being pneumonia so I have been confined to the house out of the cold yucky air for the past week-and-a-half but feeling much better.  Elder Morley has been able to go with the Elders and we have another senior MLS couple in our stake from our ward, Elder and Sister Baird so they have been a huge help as well.
Elder &  Sister Morley with Kaylie Steggell

Us with Cole, Kaylie, Linkyn Steggell and ward mission leader Brother Nielsen

Kaylie & Linkyn Steggell with the original Elders McDonough on left, and Edlinger 

I was blessed to be able to attend the baptism and confirmation.  The gospel is true, Jesus is our Savior, the Atonement is real and for us daily, how grateful I am for our Savior's sacrifice in our behalf, the love he has for us.